Maryland's Proposed Bear Hunt Halted!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, January 24, 1996


Mike Markarian, (301) 585-2591
D.J. Schubert, (202) 588-5206

Today, The Fund for Animals received a letter from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) notifying the Citizen's Task Force on Black Bear Depredation member D.J. Schubert that it will not recommend a bear hunting season for 1996. The Fund believes that this is due to overwhelming public opposition to establishing a hunt for these magnificent creatures.

Last year, a Citizens Task Force established by the DNR recommended a black bear hunt. An overwhelming majority of Maryland residents who attended the four public meetings to discuss this issue voiced their strong opposition to black bear hunting. In total, 128 Maryland residents voiced support for a black bear hunt, and 176 voiced their strong opposition.

"We commend the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for acknowledging public sentiment rather than pandering to special interest trophy hunters," says Heidi Prescott, national director of The Fund for Animals. "If the DNR fairly represents its constituency, it has no choice but to permanently decide against black bear hunting."

"Hunting a bear population of an estimated 200 animals is unjustified and biologically reckless," says D.J. Schubert, a wildlife biologist with The Fund for Animals, and a member of the Task Force who submitted a minority report opposing a black bear hunt. "Hunting bears is not a solution to a problem, but a commitment to a permanent problem. With more public education and technical assistance, Western Maryland residents can learn to coexist with bears."

Instead of a hunt, the DNR will support legislation to compensate landowners who have experienced "extensive property damage by bears" with funding to come from the sale of "conservation stamps" -- an idea recommended by Mr. Schubert and others.

To see a copy of the DNR's letter, click here.

The Fund for

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